Friday, March 25, 2011

Equal Opportunity: Part III

Gelsey watched the little leprechaun disappear over the other side of the rainbow. Once she knew he couldn't hear her, she buried her face in the gold. She took off her leaf shoes and danced on the shining pot of gold. This was the life! She couldn't wait to be able to grant wishes.

In her joy, she didn't hear the human approach.

"I knew it! A pot of gold at the end of a rainbow!" she heard a little girl say.

Gelsey turned in shock to see a red-headed ten-year-old staring at her with eyes as wide as the gold coins.

"What are you doing here?" Gelsey asked.

The little red-head came closer. "My mother is very sick and we can't afford a doctor. Please, can you give me just one gold piece? I have been chasing this rainbow all day hoping for a pot of gold. But you're not a leprechaun."

"Not yet. If I give you a gold piece, I'll never be a leprechaun."

"What do you mean?"

Gelsey didn't answer as she saw tears well in big green eyes. How could she deny the little girl one gold piece to save her mother? And surely the leprechaun wouldn't notice one piece missing.

"Okay, but tell no one where you got it. I'm trusting you!"

She handed the little girl a piece of gold, regretting it even as she did it. The girl's eyes shown with gratitude. "I'll never forget the kind fairy who gave me my mother's cure." And off she ran.

It was night time when Shamrock returned, his breath reeking of whiskey. He'd had a fine time in town, changing his appearance so he could mingle with the humans. Gelsey was sound asleep on the pot of gold, one piece clasped in her hand.

He woke her with a shake. "Now I count my gold," he slurred.

Gelsey looked nervous and kept twiddling her thumbs as Shamrock fingers his treasure. It took him less than a minute to count, some magic of his.

"One piece missing! I never should have trusted you. You will never be a leprechaun." He lit his pipe and smoked furiously.

"There was this little girl. Her mother was sick. She just needed one piece, that's all. I'll work it off. I'll make shoes to work it off if you show me how."

"Shoes, Harumph. Do you know how long it takes to learn how to make perfect leprechaun shoes?"

"Then teach me. Would you have turned the little girl away?"

Shamrock shook his head. "Pesky fairy with your conscience. You know anything about making shoes?"

"I made these leaf shoes. They are good; look at them."

He examined the shoes. "Not bad, but unstable. Leprechaun shoes last forever."

"Just one more chance. Please. And I will make the shoes. Oh, how I want to make the shoes!"

Shamrock eyed her carefully, put his pipe down. Being around the humans has been fun, but he had been so lonely, he admitted to himself. "Okay, but you are not to be turned into a leprechaun until you master a pair of shoes. I'll sell them for three gold pieces and you'll have made up what you gave of mine today."

They looked at each other, then Gelsey let out a squeal of delight. Fairy dust flew everywhere as she spun higher and higher in the air. In time, she knew her wish would come true.


Cherie Reich said...

Such a cute ending, Lisa! Great job!

Aubrie said...

What a neat ending! I love how she gave the little girl a piece of gold. I would have done the same thing. :)

ali cross said...

Ah! That was so sweet and fun!