Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

In past years I've always had practical resolutions: like to call people back right away, or to return emails promptly. One year I resolved to be nicer to people in general, and another year: to get better at small talk.

This year I'm going with a writer's resolution: to finish my YA sci fi novel, Colonization. I'm at 46K and pushing toward the end. This is my fifth novel, and I'm starting to loose steam. I need something big to happen with this one, and I'm afraid it will end up like the others as an ebook.

What are your New Year's Resolutions? Any writerly ones in there?


Cherie Reich said...

Happy New Year, Aubrie!

Good luck with your writer's resolution. I've enjoyed what I read so far of COLONIZATION.

My main resolution is a writer one. I want to rewrite, edit, revise, polish up my YA Paranormal novel, VIRTUOSO, and send it to agents. Of course, I'd like to have it ready by the end of May/early June, so I can move on to doing the same with another novel. We'll see how it goes.

Elana Johnson said...

Good luck with finishing! I know you can do it. I'm just trying to keep up with my life.

Lisa Rusczyk said...

My fiction goal is to finish my middle grade book by the end of January, and one of my adult novels by the end of the year.

My content writing goal is to write seven articles a day through January. So far, so good!

Can't wait to read your book when you are finished.

Unknown said...

Happy New Year. Good luck with your resolution. This year I'm aiming to query my current work as well as write at least the first draft of a new story.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with your resolution and Happy New Year.

My main goal is to write more and submit more. I also have a novel I'd like to complete. Of course, I've broken this goals into smaller chunks to accomplish on a monthly basis.

Best wishes,