In today's post, I would like to not only promote but also talk about my first story that was published in an anthology. This story was "Hell Hath No Fury" and it was published in the anthology All About Eve edited by Carol Hightshoe.

All About Eve is available for purchase in print and electronic formats. This anthology includes stories from 18 different authors.
Here are the links where you can purchase your copy of All About Eve. – TPB – Kindle (various eBook formats)
Also, if you become a fan of WolfSinger Publications on Facebook, you can get 10% off of your order through the month of May.
Here is the blurb for the anthology: Eve - the first woman - some call her Pandora. Both the Christian and ancient Greek myths make her the reason man was plagued with the ills of the world. Whether in convincing Adam to taste of the fruit of the forbidden tree of knowledge or in giving in to her curiosity and opening a forbidden box and releasing all the evils into the world. Well, it's time she had a chance to tell her story...
In January 2009, I grew serious about writing. Oh, I had roleplayed since 1999 and written a few fan fiction stories between 2002-2005 as well as a couple original short stories (one in 2005 and one in 2006), but I never really thought much about writing until I found the time and desire in January 2009 when I began my first novel The Phoenix Prophetess that was later finished in September 2009.
In April 2009, I sent my first short story that I wrote in 2006 to a e-publisher. This story was accepted and published in May 2009. Let's just say that the writing bug bit me even harder after this acceptance. I wanted to write more. So, in May 2009, I wrote two short stories. One was "Once Upon a December Nightmare," which will come out sometime this year from Wild Child Publishing. The other was "Hell Hath No Fury."
My friend Christine mentioned writing a story for this anthology titled All About Eve. The anthology was never far from my mind, and I looked it up, finding that they wanted stories about first woman, whether it be Eve, Lilith, or Pandora. Oh, Pandora! Being a Classics major, I latched on the idea of writing about Pandora. So, I did a little research, finding out that she was linked with the goddess Anesidora. Once I discovered that, the story just seemed to write itself, and I wrote about how a goddess became a mortal woman. Then, I promptly sent the story off.
Then, you're probably guessing what happened. It was accepted, right? Yes, but it was a bit more complicated than that. In June 2009, I received an email to find out that "Hell Hath No Fury" was short listed. Woohoo! My story had a chance. I was so excited, especially since I was such a new writer.
Then, I heard nothing. For months. The anthology deadline ended on August 31. I thought for sure I would hear something soon. September flew by. Still no word. October, November. No word. Even emails went unanswered. So, I assumed that the story wasn't accepted. I was going to give it to the end of the year before I would send it back out into what I call submission world.
Then, in mid-December, I finally heard word. "Hell Hath No Fury" was accepted! Yay! After almost a year of writing that story, the All About Eve anthology is published. I'm just waiting my contributor's copy in print. It'll be the first book I'll have a story in, and I couldn't be more excited.
Now, I don't know if this is typical in the publishing world. Real life happens to all of us, and it had happened to the editor of the anthology, and that is why it took so long to be accepted and published. Yet, I learned that perseverance pays off. If I had pulled the story sooner, then it might still not be accepted anywhere. You just never know what can happen, but it's always nice to get these little surprises.
So, if you enjoy stories that revolve around first woman, then you'll love All About Eve.
Great post, Cherie. I'll get it on my Kindle. That's quite a wait!
I love hearing about the story behind the story! Congrats on being published in such a great anthology. Being a classics major, you are perfect for it. :)
You got into Eve, huh!
I saw that Anthology request a while back and was going to write a story to submit, but never could get the muse wrapped around an Eve story, so that was that.
- Eric
Wow, that is fantastic!!
Thank you!
From one Classics major to another -- congrats :) Talk about learning the meaning of patience! I would have been itching to pull it and send it somewhere else too.
That said, I just might pick up a copy of this... it sounds really interesting!
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